Friday, November 28, 2008

Calling all cat people!

How in the hell do you have Christmas trees?! Oh my god. I'm going to be an alcoholic by the time Epiphany gets here. No, no. I'll just construct a 7 foot x 3 foot chicken wire fence to surround the tree. I would have to have a tree full of cardinals, wouldn't I? Sigh.

Well, we missed Thanksgiving for the first time ever. I was all prepared to get up and drive to my sister's in Indianapolis yesterday morning, but I decided at the last minute that Noelle was in no shape for the trip. She cried and cried. But I couldn't even pry her off the couch to take a shower. So we stayed home and rested, and it was the right decision, because today she is much better. She's eaten more today than she has in the past week.

A friend came over to work on my computer (which was hit by a virus and will probably have to be rebuilt from scratch), and he noted that Noelle's symptoms are the same ones he had when he had an ulcer. I did some research, and I have to say, everything does match up. I took her off the anti-nausea meds the hospital gave us, which only made her sleep and did nothing for her stomach. Instead, I started giving her mylanta, and right after that she turned a corner. She's now eating bananas, bread, potatoes, and tapioca with no pain or nausea. So keep your fingers crossed that we might be on the road to recovery!

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. :)


aola said...

there are some all natural things she can take to help her stomach. I have had trouble with mine all my life. When mine bothers me I take either peppermint oil capsule, if it's not too bad or when it is really bothering me I take DGL which is horrible tasting stuff but it does work and I did try an aloe vera gel for stomachs that helped some. And, taking colostrum daily helps with a lot of the symptoms of IBS - you check all of them out on - it is the cheapest place i have found online.

so glad to hear she is finally getting a little relief

HP said...

So good that NOelle is getting better.

My mother has had an ulcer most of her life....and it can be tricky!! But, by watching what you eat, pain can be kept to a minimum. And now there are great drugs to treat flair ups.

Jennifer said...

Aola, thank you very much for the info!

HP, glad to see you've come out of hibernation! :)

Emily Retherford said...

I'm so glad to hear Noelle is getting better. I'm sorry you had to miss Thanksgiving though! Keep us posted on her!

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