Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Happy New Year! (Better late than never...)

Hello friends! Sorry about going MIA for so long. You know it's been a while when you literally have to rack your brain for 2 hours to remember your Blogger password!! Geesh. It has been a very busy month. I promise to get caught up with all of you ASAP.

First though, I have to show off these pics of my adorable niece and nephews! We were so excited to have my sister Anna and her family here the weekend between Christmas and New Years. It’s been a few years since they were here and I hadn’t even seen baby Jonathan yet. Let me tell you, he is just absolutely precious, and I am not biased at all! Here he is with his mama:

Four year old David is sooo much fun, and a brilliant artist. He sat at my dining room table and drew all kinds of wonderful pictures for me.

And my niece Sydney....... I blinked my eyes and she’s TWELVE! She is so grown up and mature. I love her to pieces. She and Noelle had a great time together. I tried taking pictures of them doing Dance Dance Revolution, but they were too darned fast, lol!

Anna, you have your hands full with this beautiful brood. I don’t know how you do it, girl. I regret that I didn’t get any pics of my brother-in-law Jesse. I sure wish these guys lived closer. Oklahoma is just too far!!!

I hope all of you are having a great 2008 so far.


Mary Beth said...

I'm so glad you guys go to see each other!

Anonymous said...

Very nice! What a great visit!

Oklahoma's not that far........

THANK YOU for taking that ham down...I like ham as much as the next girl but a straight month of ham gets old.

HP said...

What great photos! (as usual)

Sounds like a good visit.