Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Krohn Conservatory

I have been soooo depressed lately with the winter blahs. I just can’t stand not being able to get outside. It feels like my blood is frozen in my veins. So on Sunday I ventured down to the Krohn Conservatory in Cincinnati. Where else can you find a tropical rainforest and a desert all under one roof? Especially in Ohio in the middle of winter! I tried to set up a cot in the corner by the koi pond, but they didn’t like that….. Here are some of the photos I took.


HP said...

I love the conservatory! I used to go there every year at Christmas and Easter.

Anonymous said...

That is just lovely!

I need to visit the vivarium here for a little dose of winter blues killer!

You have inspired me.... just the place to try out my new Canon 40d when it arrives later this week ;)

Jennifer said...

HP, I keep forgetting you used to live here!

CV, I am jealous. I want that camera!

Anna said...

Sounds like exactly where I'd be if I was back up north...

McMom said...

Very Beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

where are you...................

It's been almost a month. I hope you are ok!

Seeker said...

Winter depresses me, too! We had beautiful 70 degree weather this we have freezing rain.