Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Talkin' to myself and feelin' OLD

My baby is going to her first concert tonight!!

Can you hear me plucking my gray hairs? LOL. She is going to see this group called Paramore, about whom I know virtually nothing because, frankly, they make my ears hurt. Jimmie Eat World is opening for them, about whom I know not much more.

Noelle’s best friend just had a birthday and to celebrate, her mother is taking them to this concert. She assures me that it’s all good. I know it is. But honestly, I want to cry like I did on her first day of kindergarten. I’m so old, not only could I not handle taking teenagers to a concert, I don’t even get their music. When did THAT happen?

The first concert I ever went to was U2, who I still really love. What was yours?


The Baklava Queen said...

Chicago. Geez, does that officially qualify me as OLD now??? :-)

McMom said...

DON'T Laugh!!! BUT it was Sandi Patti!! OK you can laugh! I have also gone to a Twila Paris concert. I love her music!

When I was your daughters age we lived way in the country in north Idaho and there really was not an opportunity. In HS, I lived in Oklahoma,( where I met Cara) we went to a church and private school where I would have been kicked out if I had gone to a concert. A girl in our senior class was kicked for going to an Amy Grant concert for her birthday.

Anonymous said...

Plus, Karen was kicked out TWO WEEKS prior to graduation.

I had a 'come to Jesus' conversation with her about the concert the day that she was going to go, telling her not to go, couldn't she just wait two weeks? It's JUST AN AMY GRANT CONCERT....
They had said publicly before the whole school that they would kick out anyone who went "Even Graduating Seniors".... and were looking right at her.

Stubborn Girl.

My first concert was way before those years...I was 13, and at my first rehab group home. They took all of us societal rejects to a .....

WAIT FOR IT.................

Jose Feliciano Concert........

I was devastated....

Not as much because it was Jose Feliciano, but because Ted Nugent was playing right across the street at the Thunderdome or something. This was 1980, at the pinnacle of his rock godhood. I would have sold a kidney to go.

Jose was fine....if you were super old, like 40!

Anna said...

Okay so I'll share my lameness....

New Kids on the Block...

There I said it, I admitted. I've submitted my child to an actual video of them on You Tube, my husband told me if I have had that on in our house again I'd be forced to vacate. HAR HAR!

You want to know the worse brother who was "29" years old took me! Yeah how lame is that!

And here is where I feel old....This Friday is Sydney first "Dance!!!" ACK!!!!!!!! But I'm chaperoning.

I'm asking them to play some NKOTB! And I'm going to ask them to play...Hammer Time, and Funky Town
My daughter will love me! I can feel the love!

Anonymous said...

I can see us all now, sitting around a nursing home table in our 90's, wheel chairs, lap blankets, and ipods in hand.. asking the nurse to put cable on to Milli Vanilli!

OhhOh OhhhOOOOhhOOh!

Jennifer said...

Hiya Backlava Queen! I actually like Chicago. My daughter thinks I'm nuts.

ROFLOL @ your stories!

I was a huge Amy Grant fan, and almost got kicked out of church because of it. I mean, she wore JEANS! And had a DRUMMER! And BASS player! Surely that music must be of the devil. Sandi Patti was okay, though. Cause she had the whole 1980's Christian bouffant going on and sang falsetto. Not at all like Amy with that deep, raspy voice that just screamed "sinner!" As I recall, however, it was Sandi who had an affair....hmmm.

OMG would I kill anyone who made me listen to Jose Feliciano.

Anna, I didn't know Dan took you to the concert! That's actually a cool memory.

Jennifer said...

P.S. Anna, did you hear the news that NKOTB has reunited? Yea, you're old when your favorite teenage band is doing a reunion tour. LOL! :D

Anonymous said...

It seems like any band who's not on dialysis is doing a reunion tour...

I did go see the Eagles in 2002 (Sponsored by GERITOL and DEPENDS!)

and they were FANTASTIC.....

I was also healing from a humongous surgery and was taking oxycontin (as prescribed thank you very much) and it was awesome........dude..............

Kat E said...

Mine was Bon Jovi. I think I was a freshman or sophomore in high school. My girlfriend and I got all dressed up in tight short skirts, trying to act all grown up even though we weren't even old enough to be able to drive ourselves to the show...

Anna said...

Yeah I know...I actually went and looked at a recent picture of the group and told Jesse..."Gosh they look old". To which he said, "Um they're my age". Cricket Cricket.

And yeah it is actually really cool memory...except for the part where he got all the other "dads and brothers" to chant "We want Bart Simpson". Yeah could have hidden in a hole, that is until I saw their "hottness" on stage and then I just forgot all about being there with my brother. I meant it was lame in the fact that he was 29 years old and taking his 12 year old sister to a concert. He must have actually liked me I guess!

My other big concert I went to was Michael English. I actually got to shake his hand....oooooo

You all are cracking me up with Sandi Patti and Amy.

McMom said...

Yea Sandi Patti had an affair and Amy got divorced. Christian radio stations did not play their music for almost ten years.

STAG said...

My first concert featured Santana, and was opened by the "Guess Who".

"Sweet sweet city woman" (The Guess Who), followed by "She's a Black Magic Woman (Santana)." Lots of Pea Oh Tee, and an overnighter in the local jail cells.

Oh, what fond memories....grin!

aola said...

I was lucky enough to have grown up when Rock n Roll was really good. I got to see a lot of the bands my kids listen to now, you know.... Classic Rock :)

My very first concert was Steppenwolf.
I saw the Eagles in concert when they were still a back up band for Jethro Tull.
and I saw ZZ Tops in concert when no one knew who they were. All of about 100 people were there and we sat in the orchestra pit and smoked dope with the band. The venue shut off the electricity to the stage at midnight because the band wouldn't stop playing.

Jennifer said...

STAG AND AOLA!!!!! Hello my long lost friends. :D

Santana and Jethro Tull really blow Amy and Sandi out of the water, lol. Ditto Steppenwolf. Can’t imagine the heart attacks our parents would have had going to see such depravity. Wow, a night in jail and smokin’ in the orchestra pit.....those are awesome memories.

I love classic rock, it’s pretty much all I listen to. My daughter thinks there’s something wrong with me.

Seeker said...

I lost my concert virginity to KISS!!!

Blue Oyster Cult opened for them.

A couple years later, went to see Molly Hatchet...still one of my favorites.

Didn't get to smoke dope with any of them, though. That is just, wow, Aola! I'd love to go see ZZ Top.

Anonymous said...

All those 'smoking dope' bands now live on forever as


preserved forever as cartoony riffs at pretend shows.....

Jennifer said...

I love Guitar Hero cuz I get to pretend to play with all those great bands. Blue Oyster Cult rocks!