Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day!

I bought myself a new camera for Mother's Day. Noelle accidentally broke mine a couple of months ago, and I have been using hers. (Yea, don't ask me why she was using mine when she has one...) It was going to cost as much to fix that one as it would be to buy a new one, so I bought a new one. I upgraded to a Fuji Finepix 700, which lets me do a lot more than the regular point and shoot digital cameras, for only about $10 more!

Here are some pics I took yesterday. The robin has a sad story -- when I got home from running errands yesterday morning, Noelle and her friend came running to tell me about a robin that was hanging from a string in a tree. Sure enough, the poor thing had gotten her wing caught in a string just a foot away from her nest and was twirling around crazy on it, getting herself caught tighter.

We got the ladder and managed to cut the string for her. But she wouldn't let me cut the string from her body. She hopped away bleeding. I told the kids there's not much chance she's going to be able to fly and feed her babies, and she'll probably die. I could not reach the nest even on the ladder, so I feel bad for the little babies. Kinda sad with today being Mother's Day...


Anonymous said...

I'm glad you got a new camera, I love technology.

It's tough to watch animals suffer, I wish I could tell them for one moment what I plan to do is to help.

McMom said...

Happy Mothers Day!!!!

Anna said...

Happy Mother's Day! Great pictures...I love the one of the mean if I let Sydney break my camera I get a new one ;0)

HP said...

That is a hard Mother's Day.

Then again, it is amazing what animals can endure. We saved many a bird from the literal jaws of death...

Our dog, Cletus, loves to "play" with birds. He would catch and carry them around as if they were his own special toy. By the time we would get to them, they were usually covered in slobber, traumatized and more than a little ruffled. But every single one of them was able to take to flight again!

STAG said...

Hope you had a happy Mother's Day. You have got to be one of the most dedicated moms I have ever met.

Poppa Robin might take over and feed the kids. He did at the nest outside my door. (darned birds...can't use the front door because it would disturb the nest! I am TOO soft hearted!)

Gorgeous photography! CV will be jealous! But in a good way....grin!

Jennifer said...

Thank you all!

HP, that's amazing that all of the birds were able to fly off under their own power after being yanked from the jaws of Cletus!

Stag, thank you very much for the compliment. You big softie!! :)

Chris said...

I love the photos! I have a fuji digicam too and love the way it captures the subtle hues of nature so well.