You know it’s football season.... all over the hollow could be heard the cries of OH-IO. If you’re not from around here, that’s the Buckeye Battle Cry. The sheer cliff walls of Blackhand sandstone make for great echoes.
It’s a 2 ½ hour drive over there, but what a gorgeous drive it is. And confusing as hell. This was the first time I have made the drive by myself – I mean, as the only adult navigating- and those old, twisty, country roads really throw me off. I got myself quite turned around and had to stop and ask locals for directions a couple of times. That’s because directions down in those parts consist of “Go to the bottom of the hill (which ends up being about 5 miles), and turn right at the mobile home. If it’s still there.” I’m not kidding, lol.
Here are a few of the pictures I took. My camera settings were acting screwy at one point, and I’m not sure why, so some of these are very out of focus. These are thumbnails; click for full size.