Thursday, November 29, 2007

Motherhood can be embarrassing

Soooo, I called my daughter from work this afternoon, to remind her she needed to take a shower pronto because she had an appointment to get her hair cut later in the evening. I almost never make personal calls from the switchboard, because with 12 incoming lines to keep track of, it's pretty much impossible. But the shower thing was important. So I called her and told her to get in the shower. She started arguing with me:

"But she's going to wash my hair when I get there!"

"Well, she's not going to wash your body, so get on it!"


Yea, you mothers know how it goes...

In the middle of this conversation my switchboard went crazy. So I put N on hold to answer the other lines, put them on hold and went back to pick her up. "Listen, my lines are ringing off the hook, so stop arguing with me and get in the shower!"

Then I heard a man's voice say "Ummmm, this is Mr. So and So...."

Holy cowsnot, Batman!! I have never been so embarressed on the job in my life. I wanted to crawl under my desk and die. Luckily, the guy laughed and said "I have 3 daughters, I understand." But I still wanted to die. Needless to say, this is why I never make personal calls.


Anonymous said...


Too bad you aren't allowed to have a sense of humor at work, you could have said. "This call will be $5.99 a minute, you dirty boy........"

STAG said...


(stag trying mostly unsuccessfully to look shocked.)

McMom said...

Very funny!!!

Anna said...

Oh my GAWD!

Remember all the calls we made to mom.

"You girls do not call me again unless someone is bleeding. Better yet do not call me unless one of you is dead. No wait, just leave the dead body till I get home and I deal with it after dinner"

And yeah I would have crawled under my desk and died!

Jennifer said...

ROFL!!! Oh yea, I remember those calls very well.
"Don't call me unless someone is bleeding."

Five minutes later... "I told you not to call me unless someone was bleeding!"

"Someone IS bleeding!"

"Put your sister on the phone."